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Washington, D.C.

The Four Key Themes From Q4 Conference Calls

In its quarterly Beige Book publication, Goldman conveniently gathers anecdotal evidence of fundamental and thematic trends from the earnings transcripts of companies in the S&P 500. As Goldman's Davis Kostin explains, since President Trump’s surprise victory over Hillary Clinton in November, investors and management teams have been acutely focused on the new administration’s policy proposals. In this Beige Book, we focus on management commentary regarding four key pillars of the Trump Administration’s agenda: tax reform, regulation, fiscal spending, and trade policy.

Watch Anti Trump Protests In Washington, DC

Police used tear gas and arrested dozens of rioters as anti trump protests erupted in Washington, D.C., on the day Donald Trump was sworn in as America’s 45th president. Donald Trump’s inauguration is being celebrated by his supporters and protested by his detractors. Anti Media reports: A broad coalition of anti-Trump protesters have descended upon Washington D.C. and every major city in the U.S. Below is an updating compilation of live videos showing unrest from the ground in Washington (refresh the page to see the latest video updates): By Nick Bernabe

Venezuela Enters the Record Book, Officially Hyperinflates

Venezuela Enters the Record Book, Officially Hyperinflates

Venezuela’s inflation has officially become the 57th official, verified episode of hyperinflation and been added to the Hanke-Krus World Hyperinflation Table, which is printed in the authoritative Routledge Handbook of Major Events in Economic History (2013). An episode of hyperinflation occurs when the monthly inflation rate exceeds 50 percent for 30 consecutive days. Venezuela's monthly inflation rate first exceeded 50 percent on November 3rd and continues to do so, sitting at 131 percent as of December 11, 2016.

Andrew Breitbart Warned Us About Podesta Pedo Links In 2011

Andrew Breitbart warned us in a series of tweets in 2011 that John Podesta had links to underage sex slavery and pedophilia. In 2010, years before WikiLeaks emails exposed John Podesta’s dubious activities, Andrew Breitbart recognized Clinton’s campaign manager as one of the biggest, most corrupt figures in Washington, D.C. How prog-guru John Podesta isn't household name as world class underage sex slave op cover-upperer defending unspeakable dregs escapes me.

What Will Trump Do About The Fed, The Debt Ceiling, And Trade: His Key Economic Advisor Explains

What Will Trump Do About The Fed, The Debt Ceiling, And Trade: His Key Economic Advisor Explains

One of the biggest open questions troubling Wall Street traders (and everyone else) in addition to which of his close allies (and in the case of Mitt Romney, not so close) will the president-elect pick to staff the most important political posts in the new administration, is what are the details of Donald Trump's economic plan, especially as it involves the Fed, Trade, and the future of US national debt.
