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“Global Order” Is An Euphemism for Washington’s Hegemony

“Global Order” Is An Euphamism for Washington’s Hegemony

Paul Craig Roberts

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Colonel Andrew Bacevich, a professor at Boston University, served in Vietnam. His son was killed serving in Afghanistan. He comes from a military family. I know him. He is among the best that our country has produced.

As has occurred before, he has saved me from having to write an article by writing it himself. And he has written it better.

Multipolar World Order: The Big Picture In The Qatar-Saudi Fracture

Multipolar World Order: The Big Picture In The Qatar-Saudi Fracture

Authored by Federico Pieraccini via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

In a climate of outright confrontation, even the Gulf monarchies have been overtaken by a series of unprecedented events. The differences between Qatar on one side, and Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain on the other, have escalated into a full-blown diplomatic crisis with outcomes difficult to foresee.

Stockman Fears Fiscal Bloodbath As "Mother Of All Debt Ceiling Crises" Looms

Stockman Fears Fiscal Bloodbath As "Mother Of All Debt Ceiling Crises" Looms

Authored by David Stockman via The Daily Reckoning,

While the Imperial City is frozen in the Second Coming of Comey, it doesn’t mean that the Washington spending machine is on pause. In fact, the Treasury’s cash balance yesterday stood at only $153 billion — down by $130 billion just since the tax season peak was reached on April 25th.


Emails Expose How Saudi Arabia And UAE Work The U.S. Media To Push For War

Emails Expose How Saudi Arabia And UAE Work The U.S. Media To Push For War

Submitted by Ben Norton of Alternet

A highly influential top Emirati diplomat heaped praise on a prominent Washington Post columnist for writing pro-Saudi propaganda, a leaked email shows.

Yousef al-Otaiba, the United Arab Emirates’ ambassador to the United States, applauded journalist David Ignatius for his writing on Saudi Arabia. Ignatius is notorious for fawning coverage of the kingdom, promoting its supposed efforts at reform and taking its line on regional conflicts without a shred of skepticism.

What Do "Think Tanks" Think About?

What Do "Think Tanks" Think About?

Authored by Bonner & Co.'s Bill Bonner, annotated by Acting-Man's Pater Tenebrarum,


First, there is a dust-up in the Washington, D.C., area. “Russiagate,” it is called. As near as we can make out, some people think the Trump team had or has illegal or inappropriate contacts with the Russian government.


It’s all very obvious, if one looks closely…  Putin has inundated the brains of US voters with his evil Putin rays from his redoubt in Moscow, causing them to make the wrong choice.

