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Britain Rejects Trump's Call To Make Nigel Farage US Ambassador

Britain Rejects Trump's Call To Make Nigel Farage US Ambassador

In his latest surprising tweet on Monday evening, Donald Trump revealed an unprecedented expression of support for Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage - whom he met after his election victory before any other EU leaders - to be made British ambassador to Washington, saying "many people would like to see Nigel Farage represent Great Britain as their Ambassador to the United States. He would do a great job!."

What Will Trump Do About The Fed, The Debt Ceiling, And Trade: His Key Economic Advisor Explains

What Will Trump Do About The Fed, The Debt Ceiling, And Trade: His Key Economic Advisor Explains

One of the biggest open questions troubling Wall Street traders (and everyone else) in addition to which of his close allies (and in the case of Mitt Romney, not so close) will the president-elect pick to staff the most important political posts in the new administration, is what are the details of Donald Trump's economic plan, especially as it involves the Fed, Trade, and the future of US national debt.

With His Legacy At Risk And Democrats In Disarray Obama Vows To Fight Trump As Private Citizen

With His Legacy At Risk And Democrats In Disarray Obama Vows To Fight Trump As Private Citizen

In 2008, with Republicans having been handed a massive defeat that resulted in Democrat control of all three branches of government in Washington D.C., George W. Bush decided to do the honorable thing by bowing to the will of the people and vowing not to publicly criticize the new President-elect.  Now, 8 years later, President Obama finds himself in the exact same position as the American people have dealt his "legacy" a massive blow by handing Republicans total control of Congress and the White House.

Washington Has Reestablished Financial and Political Control Over Brazil

Washington Has Reestablished Financial and Political Control Over Brazil

Washington’s opportunity came when the corrupt Brazilian elite illegally removed the elected president from office in order to stop government investigations of their illegal activities. Washington approved the coup with the provision that Washington’s Wall Street allies would control Brazil’s financial offices.
