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Protesters Smash Windows, Throw Bricks At Cops In Second Night Of St. Louis Violence

Protesters Smash Windows, Throw Bricks At Cops In Second Night Of St. Louis Violence

For the second consecutive night, peaceful daytime protests descended into late-night violence with broken windows and thrown rocks, water bottles and garbage can lids following Friday's acquittal of a white former police officer in the shooting death of a black suspect. A small group of demonstrators refused to disperse, breaking windows at dozens of businesses and throwing objects at police, who moved in with hundreds of officers in riot gear to make arrests.

Improving the (Mole) Economy One Broken Window at a Time

Improving the (Mole) Economy One Broken Window at a Time

Improving the (Mole) Economy One Broken Window at a Time


Cognitive Dissonance



We have a mole. Correction…we have moles.

And judging by the extensive tunnel network spread across the nearly two acres of grass area I cut (I use the term ‘grass’ loosely because they’re actually closely cut weed fields) I would estimate we have at least two moles and possibly 6 million.

Give or take a few.