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Trump = Obama = Bush = Clinton On 4 Core Issues

Trump = Obama = Bush = Clinton On 4 Core Issues

On a superficial level, Trump and Bush couldn’t be more different from Clinton and Obama.  Indeed, pollsters say that many people voted for Trump because they wanted change … Just like they voted for Obama because he promised “hope and change” from Bush-era policies.

But beneath the surface, Trump, Obama, Bush and Clinton are all very similar on 4 core issues.

Moar War

Bush intentionally lied us into the Iraq war … a war which had no relation with U.S. security or defense.

UN: Millions In Yemen Face Severe Famine

UN: Millions In Yemen Face Severe Famine

The UN has warned that millions of Yemenis face a severe famine as Saudi Arabia continue their relentless bombing campaign against Yemen.  According to a report issued by the UN food agency, 60% of people in Yemen, around 17 million people, will die unless a food crisis can be averted. “If humanitarian actors do not access all the people in need by the coming months, the situation may deteriorate dramatically,” a report by the World Food Programme (WFP) said.

‘Genocide’ In Yemen As Saudi Arabia, U.S. Grab 63% Of Oil Supply

‘Genocide’ In Yemen As Saudi Arabia, U.S. Grab 63% Of Oil Supply

Saudi Arabia and the United States are carrying out a “genocide” while the world turns a blind eye, unaware that Yemen is being invaded for its vast oil reserves.  Observers have been puzzled why oil-rich Saudi Arabia, backed by their allies the United States, have set their sights on impoverished Yemen – however all is not as it seems in the region. Saudi Arabian oil is drying up, and scientific research by international drilling companies show that Yemen’s unexploited oil reserves are greater than the combined reserves of all the oil-rich Gulf states.
