Two women have claimed that they were abducted by aliens, had sex with them, and then gave birth to 13 hybrid alien-humanoid babies. Bridget Nielson and Aluna Verse, from the United States, say they are part of a “hybrid baby community” – a collective of women who claim they have children with alien fathers, who live with their dads on UFOs. reports: The women believe aliens have been harvesting their DNA to create children that combine the best of both human and alien characteristics and claim the conceptions happen either through artificial insemination or real sexual encounters. Former marketing executive Bridget Nielson, who apparently has regular contact with her 10 alien hybrid babies, describes her close encounter as out of this world: “It was an incredible super primal, super raw, super primal sexual experience. “There was a really freedom and we were really going for it. It was the best sex I ever had.” Video game designer Aluna Verse, 23-year-old mother to three alien spawn, described how she was seduced by the extra-terrestrial in a classroom. Aluna said: “All of sudden I’m sat next to this green reptilian creature and immediately I’m so sexually turned on looking at this being. [...]