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1981 Prophesy Predicts ‘End Of USA’ Following Castro’s Death

A 1981 prophesy being circulated predicts the complete and utter economic collapse of the United States following the death of Fidel Castro.  The chilling prophecy was made by Christian prophet John W Johnston who also accurately predicted the fall of the Berlin Wall, the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the rise of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Four of the five major events named in an incredible 1981 prophecy have already happened in consecutive order, and the only thing remaining to be fulfilled is “the collapse of the economic system of the United States.” According to Johnston, the fall of the United States can be expected to occur within the next few years: “When you see that the Berlin Wall comes down, and when you see the Soviet Union take a severe blow, then it makes a recovery and then you see the death of Fidel Castro, then shall come the collapse of the economic system of the United States.” The first event predicted was the Berlin Wall coming down, which happened in November 1989. The second was the Soviet Union’s collapse, which took place place in 1991. The third predicted event was a “recovery” for the Soviet Union, which Putin’s [...]

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