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58 House Democrats Vote To Impeach Trump; Vote Fails

We have officially lost count of the number of times that Democrats have now attempted to pass a resolution to impeach President Trump, let alone, alleged sex abuser Congressman Al Green who brought today's motion. In today's case, even his own party's leadership voted against it, calling the move premature.

Texas representative, Al Green, a liberal lawmaker, forced the House to vote Wednesday on impeaching President Donald Trump, despite suggestions from the Republicans and Democrats that he let it go.

As SHTFplan's mac Slavo noted, Green says in a letter that he’s wanting a vote on impeachment because “we now have a bigot in the White House who incites hatred and hostility.” But, even other Democrats agree that there is no evidence of impeachable offenses. House minority leader Nancy Pelosi even said that any impeachment effort should await hard evidence Trump has committed an impeachable offense.

According to USA Today, Green’s resolution accuses Trump of causing “harm to American society.” It cites his support for banning Muslim immigrants and comments defending participants in a white supremacists’ rally after this year’s riot in Charlottesville, Virginia.  Green also argued that Trump’s conduct in the White House (while admittedly not criminal) had amounted to “high misdemeanor” and warranted removal from the Oval Office. “For too long, we have allowed our civility to prevent us from confronting the invidious incivility of President Donald J. Trump,” he said.

However, Green's vote failed dismally with 58 Democrats and 0 Republicans voting for it, overwhelmingly rejected his motion. As The Hill reports, in a 364-58 vote, lawmakers tabled the impeachment resolution from Green; four Democrats voted present.

The vote split Democrats, with many of them - including members of leadership - calling Green's move premature.

Green’s articles of impeachment do not allege Trump has specifically committed a crime.

Instead, Green argues that Trump has “brought disrepute, contempt, ridicule and disgrace on the presidency” and “sown discord among the people of the United States.”

House Democratic leaders have made clear they don’t support impeachment at this point, citing the ongoing special counsel investigation of whether the Trump campaign was involved with the Russian government’s effort to influence the 2016 presidential election.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) voted to table Green's resolution.

In a statement, they said there are "legitimate questions" about Trump's fitness for office, but said that the ongoing investigations by congressional committees and the FBI into Trump need to play out.

Here are the billsd and resolutions so far this year that involved "impeachment"