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90% Of U.S. Could Be Destroyed With Doomsday EMP Weapon This Holiday

The Pentagon have admitted that they are unprepared to deal with the aftermath of an electromagnetic pulse generated as a result of a nuclear explosion, or from an EMP from a huge solar flare.  Not only are the U.S. lacking in defense against EMP weapons, but they are also lagging behind in designing their own. According to the Daily Mail, a staggering 90% of the U.S. population would die following an EMP attack. reports: But other developed countries’ populations would likely suffer similar levels of casualties if their grids were destroyed as well, which is what makes the development of U.S. EMP weapons such a vital deterrent. In fact, a recent report from The Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments says that the technology is “one of the most critical operational domains in modern warfare.” The U.S., however, has “unfortunately … failed to keep pace” in that battlespace “over the last generation,” it added. Titled, Winning the Airwaves: Regaining America’s Dominance in the Electromagnetic Spectrum, the report adds that the technology will eventually be as revolutionary as smartphones. ‘Cybergeddon’ “In the same way that smartphones and the Internet are redefining how the world shares, shops, learns, and works, the [...]