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Arizona Law Lets Police Seize Protesters’ Assets

Arizona lawmakers have recently passed a bill that would make it difficult to hold organized demonstrations in the state. The bill, SB1142, lumps rioting in with racketeering and organized crime. People attending peaceful protests that turn violent could see their assets forfeited by law. Even if a person has not committed any violence, their mere presence at the protest is enough to be treated as an organized criminal, “guilty by association.” Racketeering charges will be leveled against organizers with police eying demonstrators as potential criminals. There are at least 10 states proposing bills to restrict public protests with North Dakota going as far as allowing DAPL protesters to be legally ran over by cars. Common Dreams reports: The law, SB 1142, also expands the definition of a riot to include any damage to property, and allows police to make arrests when they suspect a protest will turn violent—even before it actually has. The Arizona Capital Times explains: [T]he real heart of the legislation is what Democrats say is the guilt by association—and giving the government the right to criminally prosecute and seize the assets of everyone who planned a protest and everyone who participated. And what’s worse, said Sen. Steve Farley, D-Tucson, is that [...]

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