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Bill Maher: Trump Admin Is Circus Show Shafting The Audience

Comedian Bill Maher says watching the Trump administration circus is no longer any fun. He says the wheels are coming off the Donald Trump presidency, and “we’re all in the back of the car.” The host of HBO’s political talk show, Real Time with Bill Maher, has made a serious observation about the Trump Administration, whom he likens to a circus. On Friday night’s show, Mahler said people are being screwed big time while watching the Trump show. The likes of Scott Pruitt being named to run the EPA, or Sarah Palin named for Canadian ambassador, are nothing more than distractions. “While you’re watching the clown screw the pony, they’re breaking into your car.” The Huffington Post reports: The “Real Time” host admitted it was “fun to watch the wheels come off the Trump car” — using the president’s 77-minute “brain fart” of a news conference the previous day as an example. But it was only amusing “until we remember we’re riding in the back,” said Maher. “Then it’s not so fucking fun any more.” Maher described the touting of Sarah Palin, the 2008 vice presidential candidate and former Alaska governor, as ambassador to Canada as merely one of several distraction tactics. [...]

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