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Blade Runner Oscar Pistorius Denied Appeal, Sends Raging Text

Oscar Pistorius has been denied an appeal of his murder conviction by a South African court. He was asked by a journalist about the court’s decision that could see him going back to prison for 15 years. The former Olympic sprinter and convicted murderer known as the “Blade Runner” showed his frustration by replying: “Have you no soul?” The Mirror reports: The Blade Runner was found guilty of murder in December after he shot dead his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp in their home on Valentine’s Day 2013. His legal team challenged the conviction, but yesterday South Africa’s highest court dismissed the appeal, ruling it had ‘no prospect of success’. The decision means Pistorius, 29, faces a minimum of 15 years behind bars when he is sentenced for Miss Steenkamp’s killing next month. Last night, the disgraced sprinter was asked by a reporter with the South African Times newspaper how he feels about going back to jail – likely, for many years. In response, he sent the reporter a furious text, accusing them of being disrespectful and thinking only of their career. @carlpistorius no words to describe my feelings for you , aimee and oscar and whole family I am shocked to [...]