A jealous boyfriend is said to have used the torture technique of waterboarding to extract a false confession from his girlfriend. A young man allegedly became abusive after he witnessed his new girlfriend chatting online to another guy and decided to waterboard her to see if she would confess to infidelity. Metro reports: Dylan VanCamp, from Wisconsin, allegedly carried out the torture technique along with a string of violent and and abusive acts last year. The 22-year-old faces six charges including suffocation, stalking and battery. He is also accused of throwing a fork at his victim, who has not been named, and attacking her on two other occasions – once where she also fell unconscious. The victim claims VanCamp, who she had only been dating for one month, waterboarded her in June last year after becoming ‘enraged’ when he saw that she had been speaking to a boy she had known for some time on social media. When he left her apartment, VanCamp punched her in the face. Later that day he turned up again and dragged her from her shower by her hair. He then put her on the bed and placed a washing cloth over her mouth and nose and proceeded to [...]