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British Police Are Not Taking Child Sex Abuse Seriously -Report

Children who report violent and sexual crimes are not being taken seriously by UK police according to Britain’s victims’ commissioner Baroness Newlove warned that authorities are failing young people who come forward with stories of violent or sexual abuse making them feel like criminals themselves. In a review due to be published on Wednesday she found children and teenagers were made to feel like criminals themselves, accused of wasting police time or simply not believed. RT reports: Twelve female victims aged between nine and 17, and some of their parents, were interviewed about their experiences reporting sexual or violent crimes. Many told the commissioner that they were not treated with the “dignity and respect” they expected, and some girls said they had felt as if they had to “prove themselves” or like “a test subject – a monkey in a cage to be prodded.” “It seems that lessons are still not being learnt about believing young victims when they come forward and taking them seriously,” the report states, citing previous child abuse inquiries, including the Jimmy Savile and Rotherham grooming network scandals. In one rape case, a teenage girl was interviewed by male officers on three separate occasions, despite asking [...]

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