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Bus Beheader Granted Freedom In Canada

A schizophrenic man who beheaded a fellow Greyhound bus passenger in Canada in 2008, has been granted his freedom. Will Baker, formerly known as Vince Li, killed Tim McLean, 22, a young carnival worker who was sitting next to him during a bus ride to Winnipeg in 2008. Baker later claimed he beheaded and cannibalized McLean after hearing “the voice of God”. After being found not criminally responsible for the 2008 attack and serving just nine years, the former Chinese national was granted an absolute discharge on Friday by Canadian authorities. The man known as the Bus Beheader is no longer perceived as posing a threat to society, so long that he maintains his medication, Manitoba’s Criminal Code Review Board has decided. Meet Will Baker, formerly known as Vince Li, bus-beheader. — Ottawa Sun (@ottawasuncom) 24 February 2016 Man who beheaded passenger on Greyhound bus granted freedom — The Globe and Mail (@globeandmail) 10 February 2017 The Globe and Mail reports: That means he will no longer be subject to any conditions or monitoring to ensure he takes his medication. Manitoba’s Criminal Code Review Board granted a request from Will Baker’s lawyer to give Baker his full [...]

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