Parents in Canada who refuse to allow their kids to be vaccinated will be forced to attend a mandatory ‘vaccine class’ on ‘immunization facts’, according to new legislation being proposed by Ontario lawmakers. Ontario Health Minister Eric Hoskins tabled a bill that would force parents to complete an “educational session” before the parents made their final decision on whether or not to vaccinate their children. If they do not attend the class, they will be forced to have their kids vaccinated. reports: “Choosing to vaccinate your child protects them from disease and it protects vulnerable children who can’t get vaccinated for medical reasons. That’s why it’s important for parents to keep their children’s immunizations up-to-date,” Hoskins said in a statement. “If passed, the proposed amendments … would help parents and guardians make informed decisions about vaccination,” he said. The bill would also make health care providers report any vaccinations they administer to kids to their local public health unit. Right now, the onus is solely on parents to keep track of their kids’ immunization records. The hope, in this instance, is to decrease suspensions caused by out-of-date immunization records. Keep in mind, over the past few months, thousands of [...]