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Captured ISIS Bomb Maker Wouldn’t Wear The Suicide Vests He Made

A depraved ISIS bomb maker was reduced to tears and cried like a child after being captured and confronted with the realities of his profession.  Jasim Mohammed Atti’ya faces the death sentence for his role as an ISIS bomb maker after being captured by Iraqi forces. The cowardly Islamic State bomb maker said he would not personally use the explosive suicide vests he made for the terrorist group: “I wouldn’t explode myself. That is another level of faith.” He is suspected of making the devices used in a terror attack on an Iraqi government building. The Daily Express reports: The attack saw a bomb blast at Dibis, in Kirkuk, and it is reported that the 22-year-old created the bombs used in the assault. The blast killed several Iraqi soldiers on November 3 last year. He told Fox News: “What I did were terror acts. It was my duty. There are infidels and there is instruction in Koran to stop this and fight all infidels.” Atti’ya said he joined the heinous terror group when he was 20 and trained for two-weeks on how to build bombs to be used in brutal attacks. He said he felt like he had “no fears” [...]