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China Calls For Jerusalem To Become Palestinian Capital

Chinese President Xi Jinping has declared his support for establishing a Palestinian state, saying that the Palestinian capital should reside in east Jerusalem – an area within the pre-1967-war borders.  Jinping, addressing the Cairo-based Arab League, said that the Palestinian problem “should not be marginalized”. In a speech designed to assert China’s political clout in the Middle East, the Chinese leader said: “China supports the peaceful process in the Middle East [and] the establishment of a Palestinian state with its capital being eastern Jerusalem“. reports: Xi announced 50 million yuan ($7.6 million) in aid for the Palestinians. The United States, an ally of Tel Aviv, have unsuccessfully attempted to break a long-standing stalemate in Palestinian-Israeli peacemaking. Tensions between the two sides have been growing in recent months after a wave of Palestinian stabbing attacks on Israelis and clashes between Palestinians and Israeli soldiers. “Maintaining the legitimate interests of the Palestinian people is the responsibility of the Arab League as well as the international community,” Xi said. For the Palestinian-Israeli conflict to end, negotiations should be pushed forward to reach a peace agreement, he said. The Chinese president had arrived in Egypt Wednesday as part of a regional tour that [...]