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CIA Destroys 6,700-Page Torture Report….By Accident

The CIA has ‘accidentally’ deleted its only copy of of a controversial Senate report about the agency’s history of brutal interrogation techniques. The CIA Office of Inspector General (OIG), the central intelligence agency’s internal watchdog, told  Congress that the electronic copy of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s 6,700-page report and a hard disk were both destroyed last year. CIA Director John Brennan possesses another copy of the torture report, but he has reportedly refused to send a replacement to the internal watchdog’s office.   Press TV reports: A 500-page summary of the report was released to the public by then-Senate Intelligence chair Dianne Feinstein in 2014. Feinstein said in letters to the agency and Justice Department that the CIA inspector general “has misplaced and/or accidentally destroyed” its only copy of the report. Last August, acting inspector general Christopher Sharpley uploaded the file onto the office’s internal classified computer system and then destroyed the hard disk in what described as the standard protocol. Meanwhile, someone else in the office misinterpreted the Justice Department’s instructions not to open the file to mean that it should be deleted from the server. Both the original and the copy were both deleted. At some point, CIA general counsel [...]