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CIA Pilot Swears Oath: Planes Did Not Bring Towers Down On 9/11

Former CIA and commercial pilot John Lear has come forward and sworn an affidavit stating that the Twin Towers were not bought to the ground by planes crashing into them. In his expert opinion the official version of events that claims two planes crashed into the towers is actually “physically impossible.” With reports from the Kremlin this week that President Putin is ready to release satellite images proving that the Twin Towers were destroyed by “controlled demolition” rather than by the force of two planes, enormous strides towards disproving the official 9/11 Commission version are taking place. An affidavit is serious business in law. Unlike any other form of statement, an affidavit becomes “truth in law” if it is not rebutted. It is now up to the opponents of John Lear’s theory to present evidence and attempt to disprove his statement point by point. If they cannot or do not rebut the theory, the US Government will by omission be allowing that the official account provided by the 9/11 Commission is not the truth. And believe me, John Lear’s statement makes a very strong case. He is not just a simple pilot throwing his opinion around. He is as close [...]