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CNN Insider: The CIA Controls Everything We Do

A CNN insider claims that the network is run, quite literally, by the CIA in order to control the news the American public get to hear. In a series of astonishing claims made to Victurus Libertas, an alleged CNN staffer has confirmed what former host and three-time Emmy award winning journalist Amber Lyon said in 2012 – namely that the U.S. Deep State force the network to publish and broadcast government propaganda. According to the insider – NBC, Huffington Post, New York Times, Washington Post, and Fox are all infiltrated to some degree by the Central Intelligence Agency too. reports: These are the exact words of our source, “It’s been really bad. We have CIA folks here all the time now.” Our insider says the CIA are mainly talking to Jake Tapper and Wolf Blitzer and Jeff Zucker.  Our source says the CIA tells them what to say, and everyone is “so mad at this Vault 7 Assange person.” According to our source, Vault 7  “let the cat out of the bag.” Our source also says Tapper is scared of these guys. “He nods his head like a obedient dog, and then yells at us, and curses Assange,” according to our source. Another interesting tidbit our [...]