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DAPL: Veterans Returning To Standing Rock

Opposition to the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline continues. A group of US military veterans are promising to return to Standing Rock after local law enforcement raided a newly created resistance camp and arrested 76 water protectors. A US veterans group say the Dakota Access pipeline ‘will not get completed. Not on our watch’ They have vowed to block completion of the disputed Dakota Access pipeline, despite the secretary of the Army giving the project the green light. Lead Investigative Reporter for ActivistPost, Derrick Broze reports Cannonball, North Dakota – Morton County Sheriff’s arrested 76 water protectors on Wednesday after the opponents of Energy Transfer Partners’ Dakota Access Pipeline crossed onto private property to create a new camp. The “Last Child Camp” was launched on the top of a hill and marked by seven tepees representing seven tribes. The new camp was around a quarter mile from the Oceti Sakowin Camp, just north of the Cannonball River. The Sacred Stone Spirit Camp and Rosebud Camp are located south of the river. The Last Child Camp was created by activists as an attempt to build a camp that represents the original peaceful and prayerful intentions of the Sacred Stone and Oceti camps. “We [...]

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