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Democratic Party Warns Sanders Supporters May "Instigate Actual Violence" At Convention

While Hillary continues to remind everyone that her nomination is a "done deal", supporters of Bernie Sanders refuse to go quietly into the night.  Bernie's supporters put so much pressure on establishment Senator Barbara Boxer that she suffered an unfortunate meltdown in Nevada recently; they plan to do the same at the Democratic National Convention in July as well.  

According to The Hill, Sanders supporters are planning a massive rally that could have as many as 30,000 participants, although organizers hope to have the number end up much larger. Permits for four demonstrations at the Philadelphia convention have already been secured, and now the focus is on getting as many people to attend as possible.

More from The Hill: 

Bernie Sanders’s supporters have secured permits for four demonstrations near July’s Democratic National Convention, according to a new report.


The events will rally support for Sanders’s message while Democrats select their presidential nominee in Philadelphia, according to The Wall Street Journal.


The Wall Street Journal on Friday reported that one permit authorizes an event consisting of four days of all-day rallies at FDR Park.


Philadelphia expects at least 30,000 participants; organizers are hoping the turnout is even higher. The park is located close to the Wells Fargo Center, putting it in close proximity to the convention’s epicenter.


The Wall Street Journal said that the other three events are scheduled for Thomas Paine Plaza, which is located a few miles from the convention’s venue. Philadelphia expects around 2,000 to 3,000 fans demonstrating for the independent Vermont senator at those events.

Just like in the case of the Republican race before it was made clear that Trump would win by a landslide, now it is the Democratic establishment's turn to use every trick in the playbook to try and marginalize anyone who dares go against them, with the Nevada State Democratic Party warning recently that the demonstrations may be used to instigate "actual violence." Which is even more ironic because until recently its was Trump supporters who were saying precisely that only to be laughed down by the media.

The claim of violence was quickly downplayed by Bill Taylor, one of the events organizers.

“We are marching,” he said. "If you’re planning on coming here with violence in mind, we don’t want you.”

The Democratic establishment will likely end up winning the push for Hillary as its nominee, but one major legacy has remained as a result of what already has been the most surreal presidential race in history: the voices of those who are not part of the establishment, and who want real genuine change to a broken system, are no longer silent and have understood they too can and will be heard.