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DisruptJ20: Inauguration ‘Day Of Terror’ Planned By Democrat Groups

A group of left-wing organizations have outlined their plan for a ‘day of terror’ which aims to cause “maximum damage” at Trump’s inauguration.  Over 75 groups are to descend onto the Capitol, with plans to violently attack police, politicians, and citizens who wish to witness Donald Trump’s inauguration ceremony. One of the groups, #DisruptJ20, have urged readers of their website to break the law and do everything in their power to terrorize the city on Friday. In an article entitled, “Ten Reasons to Go Hard on January 20” the left-wing terror organisation outline to anarchists, socialists, and communists “why would it be worth driving across the country to a city crowded with reactionaries and police.” reports: Saying that during the inauguration “the DC police will have their hands full” it ominously tells the web of American-hating, anti-capitalist activists worldwide that the January 20th inauguration “is our only chance to fight Trump under the laws and police protocol of the Obama era.” The article lays out the overall plan of the gathering groups to “rove the city” and set up “blockades at the checkpoints around the parade route” as well as shutting down Washington D.C.’s “transportation infrastructure.” The article, published just days ago by [...]

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