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Donald Rumsfeld Won’t Accept Responsibility For Iraq

Former US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, during an interview on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, refused to accept US responsibility for creating the so called Islamic State. Rumsfeld told Stephen Colbert that the instability in the Middle East is due to a Shia-Sunni conflict and not the interference of the Bush administration in Iraq. Stephen Colbert accuses the former Defense Secretary of deliberately not revealing “unknown knowns” that could have stopped the advent of war in Iraq and the subsequent rise of Daesh. Sputnik reports: On Monday evening’s episode of The Late Show, host Colbert asked Rumsfeld whether the rise of Daesh was predicted during the planning of the Iraq war, as either a “worst-case scenario, or a beyond-worse-case scenario.” The Late Show with Stephen Colbert YouTube video: ​Rumsfeld paused for a moment and answered, “I think the disorder in the entire region and the conflict between the Sunnis and the Shia is something that generally people had not anticipated.” “On the other hand, if you think what Eisenhower said, he said ‘The plan is nothing, planning is everything.’ The point being that anything changes with first contact with a problem,” he offered. Experts on the subject, including the Kofi [...]