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Donald Trump Appoints Mike Pompeo As CIA Director

President elect Donald Trump offered the position of CIA director to three term Republican representative Mike Pompeo and Pompeo has accepted. The transition team also confirmed that the position of attorney General will go to Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama), and the National Security Advisor post will go to retired General Michael Flynn. It’s official: Flynn, national security adviser Sessions, attorney general Pompeo, CIA director — Jordan Fabian (@Jordanfabian) November 18, 2016 Mike Pompeo’s appointment is already drawing criticism due to controversial statements he made in relation to Muslims and foreign interventionism. He has also been  harshly critical of Russia’s role in the Syrian conflict and of Syrian dictator Bashar Assad. Trump’s CIA nominee: “We want regime change in Syria” Trump said the opposite. This is a betrayal. @transition2017 — Justin Raimondo (@JustinRaimondo) November 18, 2016 Reuters says Mike Pompeo is Trump’s CIA director. He’s broadly accused Muslim imams of being complicit in terror: — Daniel Dale (@ddale8) November 18, 2016 The Atlantic reports: Pompeo, a conservative backed by the Koch Industries political-action committee, was elected to Congress in 2010 during the Tea Party wave. But he is perhaps best known for two things: His opposition to [...]

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