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Donald Trump Wants To Dismantle Top Spy Agency & Re-Reform CIA

Following the resignation of James Clapper on Thursday, Donald Trump‘s national security team propose eliminating the Director of National Intelligence office (ODNI) altogether and undoing recent CIA reforms. Disassembling the office would go against one of the 9/11 Commission’s key recommendations. On Friday Trump announced that Kansas Rep. Mike Pompeo and Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions were his picks to serve in the posts as CIA director and US Attorney General, respectively. Retired Army Lieutenant Gen. Michael Flynn would be appointed National Security Advisor. Sputnik reports: The team has reportedly been meeting in recent days to integrate some departments into the other intelligence agencies it was formerly tasked with overseeing. Trump’s choices caused some confusion within the Republican establishment, with Kori Schake, a former State Department official under George W. Bush, telling Politico, “I don’t know any of them…National security is hard to do well even with first-rate people. It’s almost impossible to do well with third-rate people.” The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) was established in 2005 in response to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks as a means to cover the deficiencies in the intelligence community that contributed to the tragedy. Chief among these deficiencies was the [...]

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