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Eagles of Death Metal Singer: Paris Attacks Were An Inside Job

The singer of the Eagles of Death Metal band issued a bombshell statement on Thursday, claiming that the Paris attacks were an inside job. The singer says he saw security guards at the Bataclan club show signs of having foreknowledge the attacks were going to take place before the audience arrived. Jesse Hughes said he felt uneasy whilst the band were setting up for their November 13 show, when he realised one of the backstage guards refused to make eye contact with the band. “I didn’t like him at all. And so I immediately went to the promoter and said, ‘Who’s that guy? I want to put another dude on’,” Hughes told Fox Business. reports: “He goes, ‘Well, some of the other guards aren’t here yet.’ And eventually I found out that six or so wouldn’t show up at all. “Out of respect for the police still investigating, I won’t make a definite statement, but I’ll say it seems rather obvious that they had a reason not to show up.” As the California rockers were playing, assailants opened fire and threw grenades to kill 90 people, the deadliest in a series of coordinated attacks around Paris claimed by the Islamic State group [...]