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Erdogan Threatens Belgium: “We’ll Send More Terrorists Your Way”

Turkish President Erdogan has bragged about sending one of the terrorist bombers to Belgium, blaming authorities in Europe for failing to realise he was dangerous.  Bakraoui was arrested in Turkey in 2015 and upon realising that he was a terrorist, rather than jail him as Erdogan does with journalists and personal detractors, the Turkish leader chose to send him to Belgium instead. reports: In a statement made to reporters, Erdogan, while standing alongside visiting Romanian President Klaus Iohannis, said: “One of the Brussels attackers was detained in Gaziantep and then deported. Despite our warnings that this person was a foreign terrorist fighter, the Belgian authorities could not identify a link to terrorism” However, in a VT report published March 24, 2016, Kurdish forces inside Syria confirmed information received from a captured Turkish intelligence officer telling of a longstanding Turkish terror operation that had been sending jihadis like Bakraoui into Europe, aided by Turkish organized crime groups across the European Union. Later, the Turkish press agency re-contacted reporters stating that they may have sent him to Netherlands, or that Barkraoui may have gone to Belgium and then to Netherlands, they weren’t sure, but that President Erdogan blamed incompetent authorities in both Belgium [...]