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EU Plan To Abolish British Army If UK Vote To Stay In Europe

The EU plan on merging all of Europe’s militaries into one giant Euro Army, and have said they will dismantle the British Army if Britain votes to stay in the EU in the upcoming referendum in June.  If Britons vote to stay a part of the European Union then the UK military will be forced to share sensitive weapons technology with the rest of Europe under a new agreement. reports: Britain would also be expected to contribute around £375million to the scheme – enough to rehire all of the 20,000 soldiers the Government sacked in its last defence spending review. Last night critics branded the plans “scandalous” and said only a vote for Brexit in the upcoming referendum can guarantee the future of the 356-year-old British army. One former servicewoman, who asked not to be named, told the proposals would require the the military to change the centuries old Oath of Allegiance for new soldiers, because they would no longer be “bearing true allegiance” to the Queen. She raged: “It’ll be like ashes in the mouths of service personnel.” The plans have been unveiled by bureaucrats who are preparing to revive proposals to draw up a legally binding [...]