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Exposed: Tony Blair Deceived Top Ministers About Iraq Invasion

An explosive new book reveals that Tony Blair kept members of his cabinet and numerous high-profile Whitehall officials in the dark over his plans to create “regime change” in Iraq. In his book “Broken Vows” investigative journalist Tom Bower, alleges that Blair had decided as early as 2002 that Saddam Hussein should be removed. Based on exclusive interviews with military chiefs, civil servants and Cabinet ministers, Bower also exposes how Blair failed to state his intentions to his Chief of Defence Staff, Cabinet Secretary, Foreign Secretary, Defence Secretary as well as most of the Cabinet.   RT reports: The book alleges that because so many top officials were out of the loop, the military were unable to begin training in earnest for an invasion, and subsequently suffered due to insufficient equipment. Blair always insisted he was an “honest broker,” looking for a peaceful solution. Amongst the allegations in the book are the claims that Blair refused to make proper post-invasion plans, tried to get rid of the Chief of the Defence Staff Admiral Sir Mike Boyce and ignored warnings that the invasion could be a catastrophe. It also alleges that Blair told then-head of MI6 Sir Richard Dearlove to bring [...]