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FBI: Trump-Russia Stories Are “Bullshit”

The FBI has announced that claims suggesting Donald Trump was in contact with Russian officials before the election are “complete bullshit.” Following reports that White House Chief-of-staff Reince Priebus asked the FBI to dispute allegations of Russian interferance, senior administration officials insist that the FBI came to Priebus to express their contempt for the Trump-Russia allegations, which appear to have been invented by the Democrats. reports: The officials told reporters that FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe brought up to Priebus during a one-on-one meeting on Feb. 15 that a New York Times story on the subject was “bullshit,” according to a White House pool report. CNN reported on Thursday that the FBI had refused a request from Priebus to publicly push back on the Times’ report about Trump aides being in communication with Russian officials. Both CNN and the Associated Press reported that discussion about the Times’ story originated with a conversation between McCabe and Priebus. The senior administration officials said Friday that after learning about the FBI’s views on the Times report, Priebus asked McCabe, “What can we do about this?” McCabe told Priebus that he’d get back to him, prompting Preibus to let McCabe know he was getting “crushed” by [...]

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