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Gardasil and DTaP vaccines top hit list

A bitter war of words is raging between the manufacturers of vaccine DTaP and whistleblowers over vaccines. Critics believe there is a causal link to autism and even death. The government’s own drug administrators are compelled to adopt guerrilla-style tactics to get suppressed information out into the public domain. In the late 1950s the world’s entire population was the same as China’s is now at 1.3 billion people. Autism was only identified in 1 in 80,000 children in the US. Today it is at 1 in 54 and the ratio is worsening rapidly every year as new figures are published. The pharma industry who manufacture vaccines like DTaP fiercely deny there is any identifiable connection and  refute claims by critics despite the fact the US government has paid out over $3 bn in settlements for vaccine damage. In a new guide to the alleged worst offenders, website breaks it down into seven vaccines. Vaccines which are commonly administered to children and young adults all over the world.  The annual revenue from just one shot at $200 a pop given to four million youngsters annually in the US alone represents a vast economic monster. Trouble is no one seems to want [...]

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