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George Soros Plans To Bring Down Hungarian Government

Hungary’s foreign minister claims that non-governmental organisations (NGO’s) funded by billionaire globalist George Soros in Hungary are planning to undermine the government in Budapest. The Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto told RT that Soros “would like this government to fail, he would like to kind of fire this government because he doesn’t like our approach, doesn’t like our policies” RT reports: “We find it very anti-democratic if someone from abroad would like to influence Hungarian voters on whom to vote for,” he asserted. Several days before the interview, the Hungarian parliament began to discuss a bill allowing authorities to audit NGO executives and request detailed reports on their foreign donations. Earlier in January, chairman of the ruling Fidesz party Szilard Nemeth said that “these organizations must be pushed back with all available tools, and I think they must be swept out, and now I believe the international conditions are right for this with the election of the new president [Donald Trump].” Last September, Nemeth, who is also the deputy chairman of Hungary’s National Security Committee, submitted a list of 22 NGOs “connected to the Soros network for the purpose of having these organizations screened.” Foreign Minister Szijjarto said it is obviously the [...]

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