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Polexit Threat: EU Increasingly Upset About Poland Ignoring Rules

Polexit Threat: EU Increasingly Upset About Poland Ignoring Rules

Authored by Mike Shedlock via,

The Polish government increasingly defies EU rules. Since Poland is the largest aid recipient, the EU is hopping mad. 

Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic are all in open defiance of EU migration rules.

In addition, Poland's Law & Justice party move to take control of the courts was condemned by the European Parliament and European Commission.

Hungary's Ruling Party Hands Out Book Targeting George Soros

Hungary's Ruling Party Hands Out Book Targeting George Soros

Authored by Jacob Bojesson via The Daily Caller,

Hungary’s ruling party is stepping up its campaign against billionaire investor George Soros by distributing a book that accuses the financier of pursuing a plan to flood Europe with migrants.

The book, titled “George Soros,” is written by Andreas von Rétyi - a German author known for pushing conspiracy theories about UFOs and what caused the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks on the U.S.


Forget About Catalonia And Brexit, The Next European Black Swan Could Be Transylvania

Forget About Catalonia And Brexit, The Next European Black Swan Could Be Transylvania


Over the past 100 years, the borders in Central and Eastern Europe have been redrawn time and time again, often leaving groups of people separated from their home country by new borders. Although land often changed hands relatively peacefully, suddenly finding one-selves as an ethnic minority in a new country was bound to lead to tension and resentment.

George Responds To Hungary's "Massive Anti-Soros Propaganda Effort"

George Responds To Hungary's "Massive Anti-Soros Propaganda Effort"

Over the past several months we've frequently noted the devolving relationship between Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and billionaire financier George Soros.  Tensions escalated last month when Orban took it upon himself to mail a Soros-related questionnaire to all 8 million Hungarian voters (see: Hungary Launches Anti-Soros Political Campaign) and then followed that up with an announcement that Hungary's intelligence services had been instructed to "map" Soros' network of influence.
