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German Minister Tells Police To Remove “Rape” From NYE Sex Attack Report

A German minister put pressure on police involved in the Cologne sex attack investigation to remove the word “rape” from reports about the mass sexual assaults, in a bid to mitigate the sexual nature of the attacks that took place on New Year’s Eve.  The German Express newspaper reported that the interior ministry of North Rhine-Westphalia forced a senior police officer to delete the word “rape” from an internal report on January 1. reports: ‘KHK told me that the state control centre wanted the report cancelled and the expression “rape” deleted,’ read a document written by another police officer which was printed by the Express. According to the paper, officer KHK and his colleague were on duty when the events of the night before were being discussed for an interim report. The night before hundreds of women had been sexually molested and robbed by marauding gangs of refugees, most of them from North Africa. The initial report that the officers discussed read ‘rape, sexual harassment, thefts, committed by a large group of foreign people’. Officer KHK received a call hours later requesting he delete ‘rape’ at the behest of the state interior ministry. The officer refused. NRW interior minister [...]