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Germans Teach Refugees About Sex And Proper Flirting Techniques

Refugees and asylum seekers are being taught German tactics on how to approach and get acquainted with Fräuleins in Europe. Classes explaining “No means no,” with lessons in the best flirting techniques are being offered by a German education center with emphasis on hygiene and maintaining a cool approach. RT reports: “How do we speak to German women?” is the question sex therapist Christian Zech has to commonly deal with at the classes with migrants. Zech works with the Pro-Familia center, specializing in sexuality, partnership and family planning. It is funded by donations as well as government subsidies. Bayerischer Rundfunk television filmed one of the classes teaching migrants how to get along better with women. Today several Pro-Familia outlets teach young migrants how to approach a woman in a country they want to call home now. The classes in Ingolstadt, Neuburg and Eichstätt are meant for those who speak German on at least a basic level. “The majority don’t have a clue how to approach the opposite sex in this country,” Zechs says. The “proper” flirting behavior is being sharpened with the help of Zech’s female aide, “Jenny,” who talks to young migrants and comments on how they perform. The girl gives tips on how [...]