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Goldman Sachs Hacked US Election, As Usual!

As media attention is focused on allegations of election tampering by Russia, one thing is for sure, Goldman Sachs got its man into the White house and guaranteed itself a meal ticket. The mother of all banks, Goldman Sachs, hedges its bets to get the best possible outcome so it stays alive and prospers. In the case of US presidential elections, the zombie bank always manages to pick the winner among the usual two candidates and somehow always comes out on top. Goldman Sachs, the socialist bank, that takes money from the poor and gives to the rich, picked Hillary Clinton for President but got lumbered with Trump. No matter, as usual it came out on top. Goldman Sachs benefited the most from the 2007 recession and holds the US and world economy hostage through its past, present and future financial shenanigans. Actually it won’t be incorrect to say that the Wall Street investment bank ‘hacked’ the 2016 US Presidential election, as President-elect Donald Trump is seen busy filling his new administration with Goldman Sachs employees. By Carey Wedler: As the media continues to parrot American intelligence agencies’ as-of-yet unsubstantiated claims that Russia hacked the U.S. election, there is far [...]

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