The Washington State Department of Agriculture have approved a pesticide-bacteria spraying program to be used over Seattle, in an attempt to kill Asian and European gypsy moths. The program, opposed by many residents, will spray a bacteria with pesticide properties called Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), the same bacteria gene commonly used in GM crops to kill insects. reports: According to KOMO: “An area in Vancouver will also be sprayed Saturday, then the states moves onto Kent, Lacey, Gig Harbor, Nisqually and Seattle’s Capitol Hill. This year the WSDA will use a red and white fixed wing plane to drop the pesticide 250 feet above ground level.” “Asian and European gypsy Moths have been detected this year in Washington. The invasive insects have ferocious appetites for maple and oak and foliage from trees and plants. The Washington State Department of Agriculture says the damage caused by the moths would have serious economic and environmental implications.” Does anybody have a problem with this? Given the shady history of the US government testing harmful bacteria on civilians, such as San Francisco or New York City in 1966 Navy Operation Sea Spray, citizens would be wise to test the state and somehow observe for themselves what [...]