A group of Harvard scientists have reported that one of the world’s most super-rare metals has mysteriously vanished from their laboratory. Last month, scientists at Harvard University successfully created metallic hydrogen – a feat that no-one else had done before. Morningticker.com reports: Scientists hailed it as the “holy grail” of high pressure physics when they finally produced it in the lab: metallic hydrogen, a century after it was first theorized to exist. And now that sample, which had been held in a hyper refrigerated laboratory, has vanished into thin air, and scientists can’t figure out why. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, but it exists almost exclusively as a gas. Theoretically, it could be turned into a metal at extreme pressures, but no one had pulled it off until scientists at Harvard University announced they did it in January, prompting some skeptics and a lot of headlines. But now they say a laboratory accident has caused it to vanish. Reports indicate that the metallic hydrogen had been kept between a vice of two diamonds at huge pressures while being stored at 80 Kelvin, but something happened in the lab and the diamonds broke. Now, the metallic hydrogen, [...]
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