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Hate Crime Hoax: Air Force Cadet Admits To Faking Racial Crime

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

A black Air Force cadet has admitted to writing racial slurs targeting blacks attempting to generate hate crime outrage.

You may remember the epic speech given by Lt. Gen. Jay Silveria, superintendent of the U.S. Air Force Academy...

“There is absolutely no place in our Air Force for racism. It’s not who we are, nor will we tolerate it in any shape or fashion,”  Silveria said.


“I’ve said it before, the area of dignity and respect is my red line. Let me be clear; it won’t be crossed without significant repercussions.”


"If you can't treat someone with dignity and respect, then get out,"

Along with garnering national coverage and condemnation from politicians, the incident sparked outrage from students at the school and their parents.

In a now-deleted Facebook post, the mother of one of the cadets who said he was a victim of the racist message shared a photo of the whiteboard, calling it "disgusting."

Her post read:

This is why I'm so hurt! Someone left this disgusting message on my sons door at the Airforce Academy in Colorado! I'm angry that people are teaching their children such hate.


These young people are supposed to bond and protect each other and the country. Who would my son have to watch out for? The enemy or the enemy?


I know this is hard to see but it's the reality my family and the country is dealing with. We cannot tolerate such hatred! Keep your head up son!

In another Facebook post, the cadet's father wrote, "My son is not playing a victim...The real victim is the person raised with that kind of hate."

The Air Force immediately began investigating the incident after it occurred in September.

And on Tuesday, The Air Force Academy announced that the black cadet who was supposedly the victim of the racial slurs was, in fact, responsible for writing them.

"We can confirm that one of the cadet candidates who was allegedly targeted by racist remarks written outside of their dorm room was actually responsible for the act," the Academy said in a statement.

Officials said the cadet admitted to being behind the racist messages that appeared outside the doors of five black cadets’ rooms, KMGH-ABC reported.

The Air Force Academy has also confirmed that the cadet responsible for the messages is no longer at the school, but they failed to clearly state whether or not he left of his own free will.

*  *  *

But these incidents keep happening.

Hate crimes should not be tolerated, but neither should faking them. According to the Daily Wire, a similar incident happened just last week. An African American man alleged that someone wrote racial slurs all over his car when he was the one who wrote the slurs. The man, 21-year-old Dauntarius Williams, came forward and admitted that he staged the entire event.

One should be outraged as Silveria says.  Not just as an “airman” but as human beings.

Not only do we treat each other with condemnation and hostility, but we also fake horrible things, like this hate crime hoax in the name of creating more outrage.