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Homeland Security To Conduct Fake "Bioterrorism" Subway Terror Attack In New York City

Following 'Jade Helm' last summer, 2016 appears to have seen an escalation in social unrest and domestic terrorisim threat reaction among America's authorities. FEME undertaking domestic riot training in the south last month, battle-tanks rolling through Houston last week, and now the Department of Homeland Security plans a bioterrorism attack drill next in the NYC Subway.

Last summer the state of Texas was ablaze over concerns surrounding the Jade Helm military drills held across the state prompted some to speculate that the Federal government was preparing for either a local insurrection, secession planning contencies for the Lone Star state or even a "Texas takeover."

Similar confusion returned earlier this year when dozens of McLennan Community College students posed as unruly protesters as part of a Federal Emergency Management Agency training program. This "first of its kind" three day exercise in Waco, Texas was overseen by the Department of Homeland Security, during which police officers from fifteen different departments took part in drills on how to deal with riots and conduct mass arrests."

And now, as Intellihub reports, DHS prepares to undertake bioterrorism drills in NYC...

Next week the Department of Homeland Security will release “harmless particle materials” tunnels of the subway system in effort to understand how gas or particulates would travel through the air, in the event that a real bioterrorism incident were to actually occur at a later date.


The "non-toxic, safe gas mateial" will be released at Queens, Manhattan and Brooklyn stations while officials monitor the flow through the system. The information obtained from the drill could be key and may help authorities and official react quicker if a real event were to take place.


The drill is similar to another that was conducted in California last winter for Anthrax.


Although these type of drills raise suspicion of government and intelligence agency foreknowledge, they also simply just make since due to the nature of today’s world.

As of now officials say there is no current or credible threat of terror in the city.

What, exactly, are Americans not being told?