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This Is The Huge Anti-Trump Protest That Was Organized By... The Russians

From November 2016...

Protesters demonstrating against the election of Donald Trump made their voices heard again Saturday - taking to the streets of New York for the fourth straight day. A crowd of over 5,000 people gathered in Union Square around noon, their ranks rapidly growing and spilling out of the park.


Hand-drawn signs floated above the crowd, carrying messages like “Love Trumps Hate,” “Unacceptable,” and “Dump Trump.”



Chants of “black lives matter,” “popular vote,” and “America was never great” rang from the sea of dissenters.

So which 'leftist', anti-Trump group organized these 1000s of people to protest against their democratically-elected President?


As The Hill reports, sixteen thousand Facebook users said that they planned to attend a Trump protest on Nov. 12, 2016 organized by the Facebook page for BlackMattersUS.

The event was shared with 61,000 users.

“Join us in the streets! Stop Trump and his bigoted agenda!” reads the Facebook event page for the rally.


“Divided is the reason we just fell. We must unite despite our differences to stop HATE from ruling the land.”

There's just one thing... BlackMattersUS is a Russian-linked group.

How do we know the organizers are "Russians"?

Simple, "The Russians" said so...

The BlackMatters organizing group was connected to the Internet Research Agency (IRA), a Russian “troll farm” with ties to the Kremlin, according to a recent investigation by the Russian Magazine RBC.


Facebook has identified the IRA as the group responsible for purchasing 3,000 political ads on Facebook’s platform and operating 470 accounts that appear to have attempted to influence the perspectives of Americans during the 2016 elections.

So to clarify...

The Russians spent $100,000 and created 0.004% of social media content to influence the election... and then the same Russians continued to help President Trump by unifying black and white Americans to protest against him.