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ISIS Is Being Driven Out Of Ancient Palmyra

Syrian government forces have made rapid progress in liberating eastern parts of the Homs province and have forced ISIS militants and their families to evacuate from the ancient city of Palmyra . Alalam reports: “The Takfiri terrorists have launched an evacuation operation in Palmyra and are rapidly transferring their families from the city to al-Sakhanah East of Homs or to Raqqa province,” the sources said. A report said earlier today that the Syrian Army, with the Russian’s massive air support, have driven the ISIS terrorists back from more strongholds in the Western part of the ancient city of Palmyra (Tadmur) in Homs province. “The Syrian soldiers, Liwa Suqour Al-Sahra (Desert Hawks Brigade) and the 67th Brigade of the 18th Tank Division advanced to a number of new sites in Western Palmyra, including Wadi al-Dhakara after a violent battle with the ISIS,” the sources said. “The Syrian Armed Forces, meantime, enter briefly the Palmyra Castle (Qal’at Tadmur) on Monday night before pulling back in order to allow the Russian Air Force to bombard the terrorist group around Mount Qassoun,” the sources added. The Syrian Armed Forces are still deploying more soldiers to this front because the final assault on the city [...]