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ISIS Buries Alive 45 Jihadis For Fleeing Battlefield

ISIS murdered 45 Jihadis under its command and buried them alive in a mass grave in north-west Iraq. The ISIS fighters were caught fleeing the battle against Kurdish Peshmerga in the village of al-Bashir. Recruitment for ISIS fighters is at a two year low, with the number of foreign fighters joining the terror group down by 90% in recent months. Mass grave found in the village of al-Bashir The Daily Express reports: Today’s brutal execution came after the group of men allegedly fled fierce fighting that was raging against Kurdish Peshmerga forces in al-Bashir village. reported that “ISIS had buried its members, who escaped from al-Bashir battles, inside one grave in Qayyarah vicinity in Nineveh Province. “The escaped ISIS members were buried alive. “ISIS buried these members after escaping from Qasbet Bashir battles in southern Kirkuk.” It follows the killing of 35 fellow ISIS terrorists south of Mosul in February after jihadi commanders accused them of conspiracy. Their deaths have sparked rumours of a fresh internal dispute within the terrorist group, which has seen its territory eaten away by successive desertions, airstrikes and defeats on the ground. Kurdish journalist Bawer Khalil told ARA News: “This mass execution of jihadis [...]