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ISIS Plan To Use Nuclear Drones To Attack West

British Prime Minister David Cameron has warned the public that ISIS terrorists are planning to spray nuclear material over Western cities using drone technology – in a horrific “dirty bomb” plot uncovered by intelligence services.  According to Cameron, ISIS militants are buying basic drone hardware online and preparing them to transport deadly radioactive material into the heart of major European and U.S. cities. reports: Mr Cameron on Friday met world leaders, including the presidents of America, France and China, to plan how they would react to such an attack. Footage has reportedly emerged showing Isil using drones and the threat was deemed so serious that – in a highly unusual move – world leaders were asked to take part in war games to plan how they would respond. One scenario, mapped out by US  officials and presented at the special Nuclear Security Summit session in Washington DC, spelt out the danger in remarkable detail. It imagined radioactive material had been taken from a medical facility by “insiders” and sold to extremists through the internet’s secretive “dark web”. Mr Cameron outlined how ministers would urgently hold a Cobra meeting and deploy counter-terrorism police and the UK Border Force. A British [...]