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ISIS War Powers Act Will See Martial Law Style Military On US Streets

The new U.S. ISIS War Powers act for the use of military force against ISIS allows the President to deploy military troops on U.S. soil.  Authorisation for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists (AUMF) permits a state of martial law to exist throughout the United States, as U.S. military personnel will, for the first time, patrol the streets of America. The new AUMF was slipped in by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell who invoked Rule 14, surprising the Senate. Sarah Mimms for Defense One noted that invoking “Rule 14″ sets up the authorisation for a future vote, but does not put it on the calendar, meaning a vote could come at any time. The resolution already has four Republican cosponsors: Sens. Lindsey Graham, Daniel Coats, Joni Ernst, and Orrin Hatch. The AUMF put forward by McConnell would not restrict the president’s use of ground troops, nor have any limits related to time or geography. reports: Sen­ate Ma­jor­ity Lead­er Mitch Mc­Con­nell offered mem­bers a snow-week­end sur­prise late Wed­nes­day night: Quietly tee­ing up a de­bate on the leg­al un­der­pin­ning for the fight against IS­IS. After months of wor­ry­ing that such a res­ol­u­tion—known as an au­thor­iz­a­tion for the use of mil­it­ary force—would tie the next pres­id­ent’s hands, Mc­Con­nell’s [...]