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Israel Emergency: All Citizens Ordered To Evacuate Turkey Immediately

Israel have issued an emergency warning for all Israeli citizens in Turkey to evacuate immediately, citing an “imminent threat” of a terrorist incident occurring.  Israel’s Counter-Terrorism Bureau issued the unusual statement on Friday, saying: “Following a situational assessment, we are reiterating and sharpening the high level of threat in Turkey. Real and immediate terror threats remain throughout the country,” the statement said, urging Israelis visiting Turkey to “avoid crowded tourist areas, follow instructions of local authorities and get out as soon as possible.” reports: The warning, which raised the terror risk in Turkey from level 2 (high concrete threat) to level 1 (highest concrete threat level), came following a terror attack in central Istanbul last month, in which three Israelis were killed and several others wounded. Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack. The Prime Minister’s Office, which oversees the Counter-Terrorism Bureau, issued an initial travel warning in the wake of the attack, saying Islamic State terrorists in Turkey had “high capabilities” of carrying out further attacks against tourist targets. The fresh alert stressed that the threat of jihadist attack was valid for the entire country, not just Istanbul or other major tourist attractions. “There are immediate risks of attacks being [...]