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"It's Okay To Be White" Signs Found At Maryland High School

The ‘Politically Incorrect’ thread on 4chan has done it again.

Sparking media attention surrounding a white nationalist movement to post signs in public areas including academic institutions that say, “It’s okay to be white”.

Readers of the blog, organized on social media and used the cover of Halloween to post “It’s okay to be white” across various academic institutions in the United States.

One of the most publicized stories is coming from a Maryland High school this morning of an unidentified man posting signage on numerous doors early Wednesday morning.

School officials at Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring, Maryland removed the signs before students arrived. Security footage from the school was released on Thursday showing someone in a grey hoodie and blue jeans posting the signs on as many as 10 exterior doors.

“We are taking this seriously and are investigating this incident. Our research so far has indicated that this may be part of a concerted national campaign to foment racial and political tension in our school and community,” Johnson said.


He also said, “I want you to know that Montgomery Blair is a very smart, diverse and inclusive community and we will not fall victim to attempts to divide us”.

Posted on 4chan, the call to action was to bait the politically correct leftist media...

Video shows someone who is triggered by an “It’s okay to be white” sign ripping it down from a pole.

“It’s okay to be white” signs showing up in Alabama

More signage at University of Maryland

Bottomline: The Divided States of America is heading for a very bad day, as the population continues to be fragmented. More evidence that social tensions have not abated, but are compressing and the next ‘Charlottesville event’ is around the corner.