The complete train wreck that is Venezuela continues to find ways to one-up itself. Fresh off of the announcement that every Friday in the months of April and May would be designated as non-working holiday's in order to save electricity, the Socialist utopia is now simply cutting it off for four hours a day.
As Bloomberg reports, Venezuela will be implementing electricity rationing that will cut supplies to every home in the country (surely not President Maduro's) for four hours a day. After all, it is every citizens patriotic duty to partake in these energy saving measures (it is also their responsibility to deal with the effects of putting Maduro in office).
"We ask for the cooperation of all Venezuelans. It's time to be patriotic and united to combat and minimize these climatic effects." Electricity Minister Luis Motta Dominguez said
The measures won't solve anything of course, and as analyst Miguel Lara points out "with some parts of the country already without electricity for six to eight hours a day, this only makes official what they had already been doing."
As we reported earlier, the electricity issues stem from the water content (or lack thereof) of Venezuela's Guri Dam, which supplies as much as 75% of electricity consumed in Caracas, and 40% nationwide. Water levels are at their lowest since 2003, and are 3 meters away from starting the collapse of the national electric system.
Out of all the things currently going wrong in Venezuela (hyperinflation, being bankrupt, having no food, having no electricity, etc), perhaps the most pressing matter is how the country will respond to the looming beer shortage.